Washington coach Ron Rivera: Sam Howell's Path to Greatness


Sam Howell
Washington coach Ron Rivera: Sam Howell's Path to Greatness

In the ever-evolving world of American football, the search for the perfect quarterback is a pursuit that can make or break a team's season. For the Washington Football Team, this quest has been ongoing since the departure of Kirk Cousins in 2017. However, hope springs anew with the arrival of Sam Howell, and it's not just the fans who are excited. Washington coach Ron Rivera has expressed a level of optimism that hasn't been seen in years. In this article, we will explore Rivera's comments and the factors that make this season different from the rest.

Washington's Quarterback Conundrum

For three seasons, Washington has faced a persistent question mark in the form of its quarterback situation. Ron Rivera, an experienced coach who has seen it all, openly admitted to this dilemma. "We've got a guy," Rivera declared with conviction. This statement, seemingly simple, carries the weight of years of uncertainty.

The Endless Carousel of Quarterbacks

Since Kirk Cousins' departure, Washington has seen a staggering 12 different quarterbacks take the field. This revolving door has been a source of frustration for fans and a considerable challenge for the coaching staff. Stability at the quarterback position is crucial for any team's success, and it's an aspect where Washington has struggled.

Sam Howell: The Beacon of Hope

Amidst this sea of uncertainty, Sam Howell emerges as a beacon of hope. His preseason performance has injected a sense of optimism into the franchise that's been missing for years.

Playing with Elite Receivers

One of the key factors in Howell's potential success is the talent that surrounds him. Washington boasts elite receivers who can make difficult catches and gain crucial yards. This not only eases the pressure on Howell but also provides him with the tools needed to excel.

A Coordinator on the Rise

Behind every successful quarterback is a talented coordinator. Washington's offensive coordinator, known for his innovative plays and football IQ, is poised to make the leap to head coach. This bodes well for Howell, as he will be learning from one of the best minds in the game.

The Favorable Week 1 Matchup

To add to the excitement, Howell opens his debut season with a favorable matchup against the Cardinals. This provides an ideal opportunity for him to showcase his skills and build confidence from the get-go.


In the often tumultuous world of NFL quarterbacking, Washington coach Ron Rivera's optimism about Sam Howell represents a glimmer of hope. With a promising rookie at the helm, a supporting cast of elite receivers, and a forward-thinking coordinator, Washington has all the ingredients for a successful season. The quarterback question mark that has loomed for years may finally be replaced with an exclamation point of excitement.

Source : nbcsports


Q: Is Sam Howell a rookie?

A: Yes, Sam Howell is a rookie quarterback entering his first NFL season.

Q: What is Ron Rivera's opinion on Sam Howell?

A: Ron Rivera expressed strong optimism about Sam Howell's potential, stating that he believes Washington finally has a promising quarterback.

Q: How many quarterbacks has Washington used in recent years?

A: Washington has used 12 different quarterbacks since Kirk Cousins' departure in 2017.

Q: What makes Sam Howell's situation different from previous quarterbacks?

A: Howell benefits from playing with elite receivers, having a talented offensive coordinator, and starting his season with a favorable matchup.

Q: Who is Washington's offensive coordinator?

A: Washington's offensive coordinator is a rising star in the coaching world known for his innovative plays and football intelligence.

Q: What is the significance of Sam Howell's Week 1 matchup?

A: Starting the season with a favorable matchup against the Cardinals gives Sam Howell an excellent opportunity to showcase his skills and gain confidence.

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