Texans Waive Linebacker Christian Kirksey: A New Chapter Begins


Christian Kirksey
Texans Waive Linebacker Christian Kirksey: A New Chapter Begins

In a surprising move, the Houston Texans have decided to waive linebacker Christian Kirksey. As a prominent figure in the team last season, Kirksey held the captain's role. However, with the arrival of a new regime, changes are inevitable, and Kirksey finds himself looking for a new opportunity. In this article, we'll explore Kirksey's journey with the Texans, his contributions to the team, and what might be next for this veteran defender.

The Departure of a Captain

Kirksey's History with the Texans

Christian Kirksey has been an integral part of the Houston Texans for the past two seasons. During this time, he showcased his skills and dedication on the field, amassing an impressive record of 217 tackles, three interceptions, and three sacks. These statistics are a testament to his abilities as a defender and his value to the team.

A Change in Leadership

Despite his contributions, Kirksey's departure comes as a result of a shift in leadership within the Texans organization. With the arrival of a new regime, decisions had to be made, and unfortunately for Kirksey, this meant parting ways.

Kirksey's Career in the NFL

A Seasoned Veteran

Christian Kirksey's NFL career spans over 114 games, highlighting his experience and knowledge of the game. This experience makes him an attractive prospect for other teams in need of a seasoned linebacker.

What Lies Ahead

With his release from the Texans, it's likely that Kirksey will not remain a free agent for long. Many teams could benefit from his skill set, and he's expected to catch on with another franchise before the start of the upcoming season.


In the ever-evolving landscape of the NFL, roster changes are a common occurrence. Christian Kirksey's departure from the Houston Texans is just one example of this fluidity. As a seasoned veteran, Kirksey's journey in the league is far from over, and fans can expect to see him continue to make an impact on the field.

Source : nbcsports


1. Why did the Houston Texans waive Christian Kirksey?

The decision to waive Christian Kirksey was made by the new regime within the Texans organization. It's common for new leadership to make changes to the roster to align with their vision for the team.

2. What are Christian Kirksey's career statistics?

During his time with the Texans, Christian Kirksey recorded 217 tackles, three interceptions, and three sacks. His career spans over 114 NFL games.

3. Which teams are potential destinations for Christian Kirksey?

As a seasoned veteran, Kirksey is likely to attract interest from several NFL teams in need of a linebacker with his skill and experience.

4. How did Kirksey perform as the captain of the Texans?

Christian Kirksey was a respected captain for the Texans, showcasing leadership both on and off the field. His contributions were valuable to the team.

5. When is the start of the upcoming NFL season?

The exact start date of the NFL season varies from year to year but typically begins in early September. To get the most accurate information, it's best to check the official NFL website or your favorite sports news source for updates.

Intriguingly, the Houston Texans' decision to waive Christian Kirksey opens the door to new possibilities for both the player and the team. While it marks the end of an era, it also signifies the start of a fresh chapter in the ever-dynamic world of professional football.

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